Make-up Recycling Scheme Launched by John Lewis
Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 15:27:26
People who are concerned about the impact that their beauty products are having on the environment after they are disposed of can now rest easy thanks to the introduction of a project operated by department store chain John Lewis.
Metro reports that the retailer is offering customers an incentive to bring in their old make-up containers and packaging, dropping them off at its bricks-and-mortar stores in return for a voucher that provides money off their next purchase.
The majority of packaging will be eligible under this scheme, with a handful of exclusions put in place. The likes of old nail varnish pots and CFC-powered deodorant will not be accepted at the moment, but this could change if recycling techniques are improved.
For the time being this incentivised recycling scheme is not being rolled out to every single John Lewis customer or location. Instead a group of its most committed customers will be able to take it for a test run and be rewarded for their efforts with in-store discounts.
John Lewis is working in partnership with a couple of recycling companies, both of which are keen to see more done to address the unrecyclable waste issue which is present in the beauty industry at the moment.
Each of the eligible make-up containers and packaging types will be processed in a way that separates out the different materials which they contain. This is important because things like plastics, metals and fibres of both natural and synthetic origins all need to be dealt with separately.
Recycling this type of packaging is clearly something of a labour-intensive process, and John Lewis is clearly hoping that it will be able to offset any costs that it incurs as well as cover the expense of offering incentives by keeping customers loyal and coming back for further purchases.
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