New Marketing Strategy Deployed to Boost Recycling Efforts
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 - 15:33:49
Drinks giant Coca-Cola has launched a new ad campaign in Belgium which takes a fairly forthright approach to spreading the message of the importance of recycling, according to Retail Detail.
The series of large-scale posters which have popped up around many parts of the country and are likely to be rolled out elsewhere around the world in the near future put the focus on the brand’s efforts to improve sustainability. The message being conveyed is that anyone who refuses to help recycle should not buy Coca-Cola.
This is an intriguing gambit on the firm’s part, since very few marketing experts would recommend actively choosing to alienate any potential customers. However, it highlights the momentum that the recycling movement has gained in recent years and the fact that more consumers are on board with the idea of minimising their environmental impact than ever before.
Coca-Cola has other plans from a sustainability perspective, including setting the goal of using a minimum of 50 per cent recycled plastic to produce the bottles for its various drinks within the next half decade.
Of course campaigners would argue that this does not go far enough and that in reality it is better to push towards a time in which single-use plastics of all kinds are completely eliminated from the economy. Even so, it is a positive step to see such a large brand embracing a more eco-friendly message, especially one which pours scorn on people who choose not to recycle.
Indeed, making recycling a social issue and framing it as unacceptable to adhere to this responsibility is perhaps the most powerful approach to adopt. Marketing campaigns like this have helped with other issues, so perhaps there is space for a multinational corporation to have a positive effect here.
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