Phones4U upgrade offers to encourage mobile recycling
Monday, February 20, 2012 - 15:22:26
Mobile retailer Phones4U has gone one step beyond many of its peers to offer the obsessive upgraders out there the chance to get a new handset not once every two years, but once every six months.
The spiralling cost of smartphones has meant that many people commit to a minimum contract of 18 to 24 months, which means they are stuck with the same mobile until they can upgrade. With the rate at which the market progresses a smartphone can begin to look very old hat and archaic after just a few months.
As such, Phones4U is launching its JUMP initiative, an acronym which stands for 'Just Upgrade My Phone.' For people who get through handsets like there is no tomorrow it could be the perfect solution, although on the outside, it looks like it could have only niche appeal.
What is not in doubt is the fact that the offer will surely increase the number of handsets which are recycled.
The JUMP deal can be applied to any of the contracts offered by Phones4U by paying up to £3.99 extra each month. For your cash you will be able to swap out your current handset for an upgraded model after just 183 days and get a more advanced replacement.
Phones4U will offset the cost of the upgrade by buying back the mobile phone from the user and it is promising to make sure its prices are consistent with the market value of the phone at the time of the trade.
This will result in a kind of mobile recycling by proxy and could make users far more conscious of the amount of money that they will be able to get for their phone further down the line.
Quite what impact this will have on the recycling market remains to be seen and could largely be determined by the actual number of people who opt for a JUMP package.
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