Recycling goals for carpet disposal met early
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 - 11:24:38
A new report from Carpet Recycling UK, has revealed that 27 per cent of all waste carpet created in the country during 2013 was recycled, equating to over 100,000 tonnes of material being saved from the landfill and sustainably reconstituted for other purposes.
This represents an annual increase of 19 per cent, with old carpet both being reused and recycled, to lessen its environmental impact, according to Lets Recycle.
The body responsible for carpet recycling had originally set a target of achieving a 25 per cent recycling rate by the end of 2015, but these figures show that expectations have been exceeded and the scheme is already a success two years ahead of schedule.
The early successes of the project mean that organisers have now revised their goals and hope to make sure that 60 per cent of waste carpet is reused or recycled by the end of the decade. Spokespeople described this as being an ambitious achievement to aim for, but clearly there is an eagerness to increase rates in the UK.
CRUK representative, Laurence Bird, said that he and his colleagues believe that it is quite possible for the country as a whole to hit the 60 per cent carpet recycling rate in the next six years, especially since there is a growing demand for old carpets to reuse and recycle.
Extracting the precious materials from old carpets is easier than ever, enabling companies to assign a value to waste products and encourage the uptake of this approach.
Similar strategies are being used to get British people to recycle their old mobile phones for cash, because there is intrinsic value to unwanted handsets that can be exploited by those who are willing to take the time to sell their unwanted handsets.
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